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Two students receive Dean of the Libraries’ Student Arts Award

The Art in the Libraries Committee and Dean of West Virginia University Libraries Karen Diaz selected Claire Davis, a senior in technical art history, and Bethany McClung, a senior in design studies, to receive the 2024 Dean of Libraries’ Student Arts Award.  

Davis won for “Melting Sunrise,” crafted from acrylic yarn. McClung won for “Fairy Tapestry,” created from recycled textiles. 

"We are thrilled to announce Bethany and Claire as the recipients of this year’s Dean of the Libraries’ Student Art Awards,” Art in the Libraries Curator Sally Brown said. “Their remarkable pieces impressed us with their vibrant use of color and innovative incorporation of materials.  Both works exemplify creativity and craftsmanship that resonates deeply with our mission to celebrate art within the Libraries.” 

Both works exemplify creativity and craftsmanship that resonates deeply with our mission to celebrate art within the Libraries. Sally Brown Curator, Art in the Libraries, WVU Libraries

Both pieces are on display at the Laura Mesaros Gallery in the WVU Canady Creative Arts Center and will be moved to one of the Morgantown WVU Libraries locations at a later date.

"I want to express my gratitude for this award, I greatly appreciate it," Davis said. "This award shows me that fiber art is a part of the fine arts! I have always had a passion for textiles growing up but didn't know what to do with it. This experience showed me even though the medium has been categorized as a "craft" it isn't limited to this!"

WVU Libraries was particularly drawn to Davis and McClung's inspired use of yarn, fabrics and textures, which bring an uplifting sense of joy and warmth.

“These pieces remind us of the beauty in repurposed materials and the power of artistic expression to brighten shared spaces," Brown said. "Congratulations to Bethany and Claire for their outstanding contributions."

"I am thankful for the recognition and appreciation of the fiber arts," McClung said. "I am excited to continue exhibiting my tapestry with the Libraries!"

Follow Davis and McClung’s award-winning pieces and where they’ll go next at, or by following WVU Libraries on FacebookInstagram or  X.

WVU student Claire Davis poses with her artwork "Melting Sunrise" and Dean of Libraries Karen Diaz.

WVU student Claire Davis poses with her artwork "Melting Sunrise" and Dean of Libraries Karen Diaz.

WVU student Bethany McClung poses with her artwork "Fairy Tapestry" and Dean of Libraries Karen Diaz.

WVU student Bethany McClung poses with her artwork "Fairy Tapestry" and Dean of Libraries Karen Diaz.