On April 28, the WVU Humanities Center will host an interdisciplinary panel discussion at 4 p.m. to discuss the concept of place in our work and lives as humans.
The Humanities Center invites faculty, staff, students and community to join the conversation in Hodges 202 for the opportunity to explore and engage a variety of questions about the significance of place.
How do places become meaningful for individuals and communities? Why is the loss of place felt so profoundly? How do memories of place become part of our identity?
A panel of campus leaders will be ready to stir up discussion around these questions and many more with plenty of time reserved for attendees to chime in with their own ideas and questions.
- Moderator: Sharon Ryan , PhD, professor, Department of Philosophy; director, WVU Humanities Center
- Michael Allen , PhD, v isiting assistant professor, WVU Department of History
- Karen Diaz , dean, WVU Libraries
- Chris Haddox , PhD, associate professor, WVU Department of Design Studies
- Ariane Nomikos , PhD, assistant professor, WVU Department of Philosophy
- Maria Perez , PhD, associate professor and director of undergraduate studies, WVU Department of Geology and Geography
This is free and open to the public. No registration is required, but is encouraged for planning purposes.
About the WVU Humanities Center
The WVU Humanities Center is the intellectual and cultural hub for humanities-based work at WVU. Our faculty have academic homes all across the university, and we are united in a vision to tackle the most pressing challenges and opportunities we face as human beings. Through the generosity of multiple endowments, we are positioned to support exciting faculty research projects and bring world-renowned thinkers to our campus.
For more information, contact Humanities Center Director Sharon Ryan, PhD, at humanitiescenter@mail.wvu.edu .