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Ex Libris - Spring 2025

West Virginia University Libraries Magazine

WVU's Pillars in the Libraries: Augmenting the University’s student success, research and land-grant missions with the power of libraries.

Read Issue Features

Letter from Dean of WVU Libraries

smiling woman in room with lamps and bookshelves in background

It’s been a busy time for West Virginia University Libraries! Campus changes have led to library changes. We undertook a major restructuring and resulting from that work is a new Research Support & Engagement (RSE) Department. RSE has supported WVU researchers with emerging research and open data and science requirements. Additionally, we’ve added the new Student Success & Instruction (SSI) Department, which has assisted faculty and students with embracing new hybrid learning models. I am also pleased to welcome our new Humanities Center Director, Sharon Ryan, PhD.

Something that has not changed is that our Art in the Libraries program continues to develop exciting new exhibits and programming that engage the campus. The program celebrated 10 years with a retrospective exhibit highlighting all it has accomplished over the years.

The West Virginia & Regional History Center (WVRHC) was honored to host the Archivist of the United States at the invitation of U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va). Dr. Colleen Shogan met with students, the community and our own campus archivists, highlighting WVU’s special collections and encouraging future collaboration with the National Archives.

As I write this, I am starting my ninth year at WVU and my seventh year as dean. While I have seen much change during this time, I am proud of how WVU Libraries continues to move forward. I have enjoyed getting to know so many great colleagues who bring passion and purpose to their work. As our services and structure evolve with new technologies, new demands and new challenges, we are driven by our core purpose of connecting people with information and cultural heritage to empower their exploration, discovery, learning and innovation.

Thank you for sharing that passion and vision and for your continued support of the work that ultimately brings about student success.

Karen Diaz
Dean of WVU Libraries

In This Issue

AOTUS spends day with WVRHC

The Archivist of the United States visited WVU Morgantown for a series of visits and tours, and chatted with WVU Libraries in an exclusive Q&A interview.

Read More: Archivist of the United States spends day with West Virginia & Regional History Center

Rising to meet research needs

WVU Libraries and the WVU Research Office are empowering University researchers, paving the way to advances in research and science.

Read More: WVU Libraries rises to meet emerging research and open science needs

Centering student success

The hybrid Introduction to Library Research course isn’t your average college course. WVU librarians are innovating to make information literacy real and relatable.

Read More: WVU Libraries centers learning around student success

Ten years of Art in the Libraries

From a vision to vibrant hubs of artistic expression, cultural enrichment and visual displays of scholarship. Dive into a visual timeline of Art in the Libraries’ impact.

Read More: Art in the Libraries celebrates 10 years of impact

Future of the Humanities Center

The Humanities Center is embarking on a journey of evolution based on the needs of WVU’s humanities community. Plus, meet the new director leading the charge.

Read More: Ryan named WVU Humanities Center director

Welcome to new librarians

New digital collections archivist, instruction & public services archivist, student success & engagement librarian and student success & instruction librarian bring extensive and unique expertise to WVU Libraries.

Read More: WVU Libraries welcomes new librarians

Faculty achieve university librarian

WVU Libraries congratulates three librarians on their promotion from associate university librarian to university librarian.

Read More: WVU Libraries faculty achieve university Librarian status

Thank you to retiring librarians

WVU Libraries said farewell to retiring librarians Virginia Desouky, Hilary Fredette, Stewart Plein and Martha Yancey.

Read More: WVU Libraries thanks retiring librarians and celebrates their combined 97 years of service

Science meets art for two awards

A WVU graduate research assistant studying plant and soil science, and WVU Department of Biology Teaching Professor Jennifer Ripley Stueckle, PhD, merge art with their science and scholarship.

Read More: Science meets art for two Art in the Libraries awards

Supporting the Libraries’ future

To meet shifting needs of WVU students, researchers and West Virginians, WVU Libraries has honed its development and giving priorities for 2025.

Read More: Opportunities to support the future of WVU Libraries

Advancing unique collections

WVU Libraries is building upon and sustaining three unique historic collections. Discover how you can help ensure these significant and irreplaceable collections are protected.

Read More: Advancing the Libraries’ unique collections

WVU Libraries by the numbers

WVU Libraries’ wide-ranging collections connect students, faculty and the community with current and historical resources, fostering exploration, discovery, learning and innovation.

Read More: WVU Libraries by the numbers

The West Virginia University Libraries magazine, Ex Libris, is produced and printed through the support of library donors.


Karen Diaz


Ellis Willard


Karen Diaz, Paula Martinelli and Ellis Willard


Matt Sunday


Nickolena Sidler, Creative Marinara Design Studio

Review Committee

Graham Curry, Kathy Deweese and Heather Richardson

Editorial Office

West Virginia University Libraries
1549 University Ave.
PO Box 6069
Morgantown, WV 26506-6069

The WVU Board of Governors is the governing body of WVU. The Higher Education Policy Commission in West Virginia is responsible for developing, establishing and overseeing the implementation of a public policy agenda for the state’s four-year colleges and universities. WVU is an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer — Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran.